About Us
About Us
Our Story
Commoditize Banking Software
As a team, we started with a simple premise, that banking systems are, or should be, closer to a flexible and scalable commodity than a bespoke suit. Keeping them as bespoke meant cost drivers would exclude billions of people on the planet from financial services.

A New Model for Banking
The vendor model - we observed in 2002 - was broken in microfinance, the sector we started in. “Inch deep and globally dispersed” as one vendor put it. At this level, we also noticed an important thing: building for low resource setting and the lowest cost of ownership was vital to the financial sector overall.
We’ve seen banks with grand plans scuttled because their software could not scale or the license fees were too inflexible to accommodate a much lower average return per customer.
Our Approach
Rich Developer Ecosystem
Along the way we’ve been joined by many people, who’ve helped build an active developer community around the open source projects we’ve spawned.

Our approach
Secured in the Cloud
We know we can bring the solution to a secure cloud hosting environment because we’re doing it already. While productizing and integrating our several open source projects in a stack is challenging, it is a worthy mountain to climb, or… river to cross.
Our approach
Open from the Core
We are a commercial open source project and the upstream contribution models enabled by CI/CD and quality assurance reviews is at our core. We contribute upstream so that downstream there exists a rich alluvial plain.


James Dailey
Chief Executive Officer

Edward Cable
Chief Product Officer

Istvan Molnar
Chief Technology Officer

Godfrey Kutumela
Chief Risk & Trust Officer